Pre-Flight support
Why help students with their mental wellbeing before they even arrive?
Because research proves its worth doing… Research also shows that students who struggle early, struggle longer too.

Report Recommendation
“A greater focus on early intervention as a means to reduce the prevalence and severity of mental illness experienced by international & overseas students” ‘2019 Mental Wellbeing Survey of Prospective International and Overseas Students’
PROBLEM IS… those who need help the most, are also the least likely to ask for it.
We call it the ‘wellbeing paradox’
Early engagement and intervention – especially for first years’ – improves mental wellbeing and increases satisfaction with accommodation and education providers…
So we created PREPARISE, the bespoke Facebook-esque student engagement and connection platform to bridge the gap.
Combining our online courses with the fully customisable PREPARISE platform, means that students can establish powerful connections with fellow students before they even arrive! Giving students what they want… and what they need!

It makes financial sense too
Students’ personal wellbeing impacts directly how they feel about their education and accommodation providers.
Helping students build confidence in gentle, proactive and preventative ways means they become walking, talking, texting billboards for you!