Employability Soft Skills student Program
Every student leaves tertiary studies with a piece of paper… not all leave with the skills that will land them a job…
This program help you to support the soft/functional skills students need to be successful in their chosen careers, and make them sought after by employers!
Innovative program flipping the script on traditional job-seeking, helping international students access the 80% of jobs in the hidden job market.
What this does is by-pass recruiter’s biases, showcases the students and builds the networks that get them employed IN THEIR FIELD.
Presenting confidently to co-workers or clients is one of the top desired skills by employers… and one of the most frightening for students.
This program turbo boosts self-confidence and backs it up with the practical skills of how to create engaging presentations that sizzle!
The root of poor communication skills is poor self-confidence combined with not knowing what to say to start (and end) a conversation.
We cover all these vital ingredients and more in this program, including mindset bending ways to deal with the nerves that stop you from starting.
Group or 1:1 coaching building true leadership mindset skills from trained human behaviour experts.
Leadership isn’t about being the loudest, it’s about learning to be the best version of yourself… and bringing that out in others.
Writing about yourself on LinkedIn or in resumes is hard!
So we make it easier by helping students to look at themselves in a new, more truthful and empowering light (rather than through the eyes of ‘comparisonitus’) and give them the practical skills to shine.