HDR and distance Education student Program

Those doing higher degrees by research or in distance education often feel isolated and forgotten.

Remember them with their very own specialist wellbeing and mental health programs focusing on connections and inclusion.

Our bespoke online wellbeing course supports students now… and for their compelling future in work. 16 fun and engaging lessons on a custom platform, with topics including: problem solving, positive psychology and habit hacking

Weekly Zoom drop in sessions, allow students to come together in one place for peer support and mentoring.

A casual place for problem resolution, discussion about the online course content and general chit chat. 

Too many times, these students miss out on the fun on-campus activities that build those vital connections.

Our online wellbeing programs like Quadcasting Group Podcasting program, secretly create those lasting connections and friendships. 

This program supports self-confidence and presentation skills for those competing in the 3 Minute Thesis program.

The focus of this program is building the internal self-confidence skills, so that they can present themselves in new and exciting ways!

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